Tuesday, July 25, 2006

I still can't believe it...

And I wonder if this is really blog worthy material... but I actually watched an episode of the Power Rangers tonight that was GOOD.

No. Really!!

You know, the kids were watching it & I wasn't really paying attention... but then I realized that they - the power rangers - were watching an episode of The Power Rangers -- but the original Japanese one! They were watching themselves, as Power Rangers, but in Japan. And it was so.... "Does Life Imitate Art or Does Art Imitate Life..." that I couldn't believe it!

And you know, they were talking about how things that are different are not necessarily bad, and how we should be open to things that are different... and how other countries see the US... I was flipping out! The kind of stuff you just wouldn't expect from the Power Rangers!

I'm ok. Really.

And - it was funny, clever, kitch and cute.

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