Friday, July 14, 2006

Big News

First off, I once again have to appologize for the wacky formatting on this blog - with my profile all the way down on the bottom like that. I have no idea how to fix it & it's bugging the crap out of me.

So, the big news. I am no longer a part-time worker. I have been hired full-time by the agency where I work. It just happened today & I'm just so overwhelmed....

The agency where I work lost some funding, and instead of eliminating a job (which would have probably been mine, since I was the last hired & part-time) merged it with another. So, now I'm doing mine, plus another job -- which is ok, since I wasn't so over worked & will be adding on two days. And the salary is a decent social work salary. Not Prada and vacations on the Riviera -- but it's ok.

It's just that I think about last year. Or the last few years...and I was so miserable. DIdn't like my job, was not happy at home, was stressed, was miserable. Then, the X moves out two May's ago - right before I graduate w/my MSW. The first year was tough, but by the 2nd I started dating again & things started to get a bit better... I met E-X and things started to get even more better. Then I got fired, and the summer was just dreadful. Spent June & July looking, looking, looking - while the X kept badgering, badgering, badgering.....

Then, I got this job offer - beginning of August. I told the person who offered me the job that I would take it. But that I would keep looking for full time and for another part time. Got the other part-time -- but frankly, it was so difficult.... two jobs, two kids, ex-husband, babysitter, then boyfriend.... trying to keep it all straight....

THe thing is, this place was so great - I just decided that I didn't want to leave, I would not look for another full time job. I'd just make it work with various part-times. I had been through so many jobs... I wanted to be settled. And this place is so great; people work well together, listen and talk to each other, the managment realizes that work is not the be-all and end all of your life -- that you have other stuff going on.... They expect the job to be done, but treat you like adults. Plsu, the benefits are good!

It's just so amazing to me that things are really starting to fall into place. Have a great boyfriend, kids happy, good job.... Heck, I'm not going to have anything else to write about!


Gwen said...

Yay for you! I'm so happy to hear all the good news ... but don't worry, since I'm sure X will continue to provide blog fodder for years and years. :)

Anonymous said...

I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.