... I'm a freak? Because if I haven't, now might be a good time for me to do that.
Went into my "bad" job Friday & spoke to my co-worker there & she was pretty much like just calm down & stop. I spoke to my boss & she was normal. True, my job will be ending there soon, but they're not unhappy with me - and she did not give a bad reference.
(Could I just interrupt this rant to say that Max is now watching Tom & Jerry and is actually picking out all the things that could not happen in "real" life. Like, if you tied a baby duck to an anvil it's probaby very unlikely that he'd be able to run with the anvil attached to him. And if shot, point blank, with a rifle, that the said baby duck would in all likelihood - die. I agreed, and told him that I was glad he knew it wasn't real. He was like "oh yes, I know, it's fiction." !!!)
AND - I got the other job. So, that means that when this monday/friday job ends, I'll have at least a one day a week job to fall back on. And, if that works out financially, then fine, if not I'll keep looking. But at least I'll have that. And, she might be able to have me work two days initially, which would be great in getting me over this hump. OR, maybe I'll work all three... just 'cause I want to be able to say that I'm working three jobs. Like in those old Saturday night live (was it saturday night live?) with the Jamaican families who work millions of jobs....
(Pardon another interruption, but have any of you ever tasted the "fruit" [and I use that term very loosely] snack "Gushers". All I have to say is: "YICK.")
So, in the end, and to finally get to the point of this ramble... it was all in my little 'ole (perfectly shaped) head. (Yes, my hairdresser says I have a perfectly shaped head. Don't be jealous.)
In which we put our heads in the sand
2 weeks ago
Go Amy! Glad you got the job. And that you have a perfectly shaped head (mine is actually quite misshapen). And it's okay to be a freak now and again.
Thanks, J. I guess things get to a boling point & you have to be a freak for a while....
Sorry about yuor head. :)
After hearing about your perfectly shaped head, the reality of Tom and Jerry AND the ickiness of Fruit Gushers, I feel immeasurably enriched. And also glad to hear the Friday job will work out, that you are feeling less stressed AND that you finally bellied up to the freak bar.
I am seen frequently at the freak bar. I'm actually a freakaholic -- but at least I've admitted it...
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