Sunday, June 11, 2006


I know, it's a crappy shot. It's way too dark. But you know, the recital did not last one hour. It did not last two hours, nor did it last... oh... 2 1/2 hours. It lasted THREE FRIGGIN' HOURS!!

Now, I love kids. I love watching kids perform. I do. It makes me smile. I sing along, I clap. So if I was bored to tears and ready to run screaming out... well... it was long.

I spoke to the owner of the gymnastics school & she said that they had to/wanted to wait 'til kids were ready (i.e. not crying) before they went on stage. They wanted all the kids to have a chance. WHich is great. Except that I was sitting there for three friggin' hours (did I mention that?) and I was also HUNGRY.

The kids did really well. Nathan was in a gymnastics class, and Max in a capoeira. Nathan was totally into it & his form is great. Max.. well - is this ok for a parent to say? He was ok. Not the best in his group... (no, no lightening bolts..) I think Max spends more time on the idea of capoeira & the whole power rangerish aspect of it (although I really dont think what the power rangers do is anything at all capeoira-ish. And do you know HOW DIFFICULT it is to write the word capoeira?!?) than he spends on what it actually IS. But, he's good.

Frankly, both boys are SO coordinated and athletic it freaks me out that they're my kids. THey are fast runners, can climb, kick, hit - whatever. That they did NOT get from my side of the family!

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